Bob’s Monthly Garden Checklist-January
“January is usually a quiet month in the garden and is a good time to prepare for spring” January Weather Facts: Temperatures for Memphis – Horticultural Zone 7B Normal January Average High 48º Normal January Average Low 30º Normal January...
Garden + Green Organizations Invited
Is your garden club or green organization looking to attract new members or promote upcoming gardening events or talks? Showcase your organization to an eclectic audience of retirees, baby boomers, and millennials interested in all things gardening, at our 5th annual...
2020–Memphis Garden + Green Events
January 1st is the perfect day to pull out your calendar and add all the 2020 Memphis garden and green events worth attending. The Memphis Horticulture Society has a comprehensive EVENT CALENDAR that is regularly updated by Caroline Brown. Better yet, you can...
Flashback Dec. 2018–Asian inspired “respite” reflects owners’ years of careful planning.
By Sharron Johnson We are upon another winter season. Yeah, I know. Wow! This year is already over, so to speak. The leaves are falling at a feverish rate as of this writing, and all I can think about is next spring. During the winter, there are so many barren trees,...
Bob’s Monthly Garden Checklist-December
The holidays are not a time to ignore your garden Seed catalogues & ordering Catalogues have begun to arrive ‘and it is not too early to do some serious review and ordering: Mid-February is the time some seeds need to be started and you will want...
Flashback November2018–Demands of automobiles can’t coop up garden’s potential.
By Sharron Johnson The northeast quadrant of Cooper-Young was very active with new house building during the 1920’s, aka, the Roaring Twenties. High employment and extravagant spending created a new era of housing stock fueled by returning veterans...
Bob’s Monthly Garden Checklist-November
November 12th is the median date for the first frost in our area (Zone 7b) Planting Ornamentals Tulips – plant tulips after November 15th and preferably after December 1st. Lilies, whether from a catalog or local store, should be planted immediately – before November...
Garden Movies-Perfect antidote for a dreary day.
I love movies highlighting beautiful gardens and the passionate gardeners who create them. By creating a master list of inspiring movies and documentaries, I don't have to waste time looking for something to watch. I can curl up on couch with a cozy...
GiveCamp Memphis registration open for NonProfits to apply
Cooper-Young Garden Walk is happy to tout GiveCamp Memphis / Design for Good 2020 because the work they do is both remarkable and selfless. Every year, 14+ nonprofits receive FREE professional help from graphic designers, computer experts, marketing gurus, and...
Prickly Pear Carvings
Halloween DIY Craft After you've finished carving your Halloween pumpkin, step into your garden for more creativity! Prickly Pear, a US native cactus, is easily carved into faces and letters. Warning: wear thick work gloves or all those microscopic...
Bob’s Monthly Garden Checklist-October
Follow this garden checklist and you won't forget all those important garden tasks and projects. The motto for October (and all other fall months) should be “do everything possible this fall rather than putting it off until spring”. This is especially true of...
CY resident packs a lot of unique charm into Cox shotgun.
Story and photos by Sharron Johnson Ah, Memphis is a great place to be in August. I don’t mean that statement to be facetious. It’s a heartfelt statement. Memphis can boast many favorable seasons, months, and events, but the waning side of summer can be a...
Bob’s Monthly Garden Checklist-September
All your summer work now yields plenty to enjoy. Ornamentals Planting: As soon as the weather cools down, you can start replacing summer annuals with pansies and ornamental cabbage and kale for continuing garden interest. An early start helps roots to become...
Bob’s Monthly Garden Checklist-August
By Bob Morrison Water! Water! and Water some more! During the early August, the temperatures continue to be very high, rain is intermittent and localized = inadequate. Most plants require generous watering to survive. Wait until a plant...
July 2019-Retired art professor turns Philadelphia Street yard into her canvas.
998 Philadelphia. Photo by Sharron Johnson. By Sharron Johnson July is synonymous with vacation time, Independence Day, and hot, humid Memphis weather. It’s also synonymous with gardening, but then I bet you knew I was going to say that! In Memphis, we can tout...
Cooper-Young Neighborhood get’s rave reviews!
There are so many reasons I live living in my livable, walkable, hip neighborhood. Take a moment and explore all the reasons to visit us. by Katelyn Caughron
June 2019-St. Louis transplants build a botanical home in Cooper-Young
This four-square was built in 1912 in true American style. By Sharron Johnson The 2019 Cooper-Young Garden Walk has come and gone. I’m only at liberty to say, that it was a huge success. I won’t give statistics in this article; that’s Kim Halyak’s glory to bask...
April 2019-Evelyn home, owner are diamonds in the crown of Cooper-Young
April’s birthstone is the diamond. As we all know, diamonds are brilliant, coveted, and strong. When I think about diamonds, I think of a carbon-based object that has been kept under pressure and gone through a metamorphosis to create a beautiful gem. Many...