January 1st is the perfect day to pull out your calendar and add all the 2020 Memphis garden and green events worth attending.
- The Memphis Horticulture Society has a comprehensive EVENT CALENDAR that is regularly updated by Caroline Brown. Better yet, you can export the events calendar to your personal calendar and not have to write anything down.
- The Memphis Area Master Gardeners Association also publishes an EVENT CALENDAR listing master garden speakers and events.
- If your interests run more to ecological talks, urban farming, birds, etc. then check out the individual pages of the organizations listed here. Midsouth Garden + Green Organizations.
- If you’re interested in joining a garden club, the Cooper-Young Garden Club meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month, with potluck starting at 6pm.
Now that you’ve filled your calendar with informative garden talks and walks, when will you have time to work in your garden?
Let 2020 be the year you discover all the amazing garden and green resources that exist in Memphis. Enjoy.
Have we forgotten to include a useful resource? You can send it in the comment below.
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