Eastern white pine is a rapid-growing, long-lived, needled evergreen tree that is native to the northeastern United States and Canada. Although pyramidal in its early years, it matures to a broad oval habit with an irregular crown. Typically grows 50-80′ in cultivation, but will grow to 100′ tall in the wild, with records existing to over 200′. Landscape size and shape can be controlled through pruning, however, to the extent that white pine may be sheared and grown as a hedge. Bluish green needles (to 5″ long) are soft to the touch and appear in bundles of five. Cylindrical, brown cones (4-8″ long) are usually not produced until 5-10 years. It is an important timber, which was and is valued for its lightweight, straight-grained wood. Eastern white pine seeds are favored by black bears, rabbits, red squirrels and many birds, especially red crossbills. While potentially damaging to the trees, the bark is eaten by mammals such as beavers, snowshoe hares, porcupines, rabbits and mice. White pines provide nesting sites as well for many birds including woodpeckers, common grackles, mourning doves, chickadees and nuthatches.