by Kim Halyak | Nov 28, 2021 | Blog
The Cooper-Young Garden Club has had a wonderful year. It’s time for the 2021 Garden Club Recap! It’s hard to believe that our club is only six years young because we’ve been incredibly industrious. I’m often reminded of the famous...
by Kim Halyak | Dec 26, 2020 | Blog
2020 is almost over! Hallelujah, I doubt anyone is sorry to see it go. Check out our garden club activities recap. We saw both wins and losses as we struggled to stay connected while being apart. CLUB MEETINGS: Loss-Due to Covid, we stopped having our...
by Kim Halyak | Oct 19, 2020 | Blog
From Eyesore to Eye Candy! The Spruce Up Bruce Street Beautification Project is finally complete. Covid slowed us down, but what was once an eyesore is now eye candy! Last year, the Cooper-Young Garden Club received a generous donation. This former CY neighbor...
by Kim Halyak | Sep 20, 2020 | Blog
Memphis Area Gardens (MAG) is participating in this year’s (MAD) Memphis Art & Design Week. Held Oct. 3-8, 2020, visitors can view over 50+ live and virtual events throughout Memphis. Events are hosted on Facebook, Instagram, Zoom, and Hopin. There will also...
by Bob Morrison | Jul 5, 2020 | Blog, Bob's Advisory
It’s the 4th of July….take the day off! Ornamentals Fertilize annuals in July. Please note: Annuals are heavy feeders and must have a continuous supply of nutrients to stay good looking. Boost flower power – remove faded flowers to encourage...
by Bob Morrison | Jun 3, 2020 | Blog, Bob's Advisory, Garden Tasks
Ornamentals Planting: It is not too late to plant fast maturing annuals if you have a space that still needs attention.Some suggestions: scatter seeds from cosmos, cleome, Mexican sunflower, portulaca, small sunflowers and zinnia. Pruning + Fertilizing:...
by Bob Morrison | Apr 1, 2020 | Blog, Bob's Advisory, Garden Tasks
Cooper-Young Garden Club “Spring Has Sprung” “Spring Has Sprung” “Spring Has Sprung” The following are “Garden-To-Does” for April as compiled for the benefit of readers...
by Kim Halyak | Mar 3, 2020 | Blog
Planning a Garden Walk is a bit like putting a 1000-piece puzzle together. Some pieces you can do ahead and push to the side, others wait until you have the outer edges or framework in place. This year’s 5th annual walk is no different. There are...
by Sharron Johnson | Mar 2, 2020 | Blog, Yard of the Month
What does it mean to be a great neighbor? Is it that person who waves to you as you pass in your car? Speaks to you and calls you by name while pushing your garbage can to the curb, or better yet, pulls your trash can to the curb for you if they know you are...
by Bob Morrison | Mar 1, 2020 | Blog, Bob's Advisory, Garden Tasks
“Think Spring” “Think Spring” “Think Spring” Hurray, the snowdrops and crocus have done their thing to signal the start of the new season. It’s time to get busy...