Family-Friendly Garden
This young garden has become the hub of the neighborhood. A place to entertain, play sports and climb the tree house. Tia is organizing a garden club and book club. Her goal is to grow gardening 1 garden at a time in Orange Mound.

Homeowners: Tia + Michael Patrick
Address: Hamilton Street, Orange Mound
Garden Age: 3 yrs.
Garden Philosophy: For me, gardening brings me closer to God. It’s such a pure form of creation. I plant what makes me happy and my favorite parts of my garden are those things that were shared with me.
- Trees: Oak,Pecan,Japanese maple, Serviceberry, Crepe Myrtle
- Shrubs: Indian Hawthorne, Camille bush,, Encore azaleas, Hydrangea , Knockout roses, Chinese snowball, Butterfly bush, Nandina, Hibiscus
- Vines: Jasmine, climbing roses
- Perennials: Iris, Elephant ear, Black eyed Susan, Shasta daisies,Day lilies, Hostas, Lenten rose, Coneflower, Salvia
Favorite Garden Tip :I think the biggest tip I can give for gardening is to pay attention to where your garden is in relation to the sun. Once you figure out the sunlight just find the plants that speak to you and make sure you plant them in the appropriate spot. And I always try to pick native plants that balance the local ecological system. It makes for an easier garden that brings birds, butterflies and other creatures to admire
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