Pass-A-Long Plants

Pass-A-Long Plants

I plant seeds and trade plants.  Many of my plants came from my grandmother’s old home in Arkansas. I’m growing okra in the front yard.  My garden’s goal is to spend very little on the garden, seeds only.  I’ve added a “Free Little Plant” Stand, As an artist and t-shirt designer, I love to add found objects to my garden, both front and back. I also raise chickens and love my rescue dogs.

Homeowners:  Karen Capps     Address:  1976 Evelyn     Circa: 1920   



  • Vines: chocolate vine
  • Perennials: lilies, roses, spiderwort, ferns, hostas, shasta daisy, coneflower, black-eyed susans, cleome, basil, irises, catmint, prickly pear, elephant ears, zinnias, cannas, annuals

Garden Philosophy: I like to try all kinds of plants and love to share plants with my neighbors.   

Favorite Garden Tip:  Add recycled materials to your house and garden to reflect your personality.

Enjoy a Recipe from the Gardener

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