Wildlife Wonderland

Wildlife Wonderland

Kalki removed his front lawn, replacing it with trees and shrubs for a low up-keep, pollinator loving landscape. Imagine the beautiful views he has from his home. “Gardening is the perfect blend of art and science for me. I have turned my passion for it into a business, sharing my love of nature with my community”.  Designed by Kalki Winter, owner of escapelandscapesmemphis.com 

Homeowners:    Kalki + Wendi Summer-Winter   

Address:  Oliver Avenue   Circa:  1942   Garden age: 18 yrs.

Website:  http://www.escapelandscapesmemphis.com/      

FB = https://www.facebook.com/eScapeLandscape/?tn-str=k*F     


  • Trees:  Maples, magnolia, crepe myrtle, sweet olive, dogwoods, Savannah hollies
  • Shrubs: hydrangeas, Carolina Allspice, loropetalum, gardenias, roses, plum yew
  • Vines: honeysuckles
  • Perennials: ferns, anemones, lenten roses, ajuga, phlox, coreopsis, black-eyed susans, conflowers, muhley grass
Garden Philosophy: 

“Gardening is the perfect blend of art and science for me. I have turned my passion for it into a business, sharing my love of nature with my community”.

Favorite Garden Tip :  More Plants, less Grass.

Kalki Winter talks gardening.

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