Gardening is Therapy

This loved garden nurtures everyone who lives here: Jessica and Dejan, cats, chickens, goldfish, and dogs. The recycled materials used throughout add beauty, functionality, and personality to this young garden. Enjoy!

Homeowners:  Jessica + Dejan Kostic, along with Dogs-Tuesday & Stewie, Cats-Twiggy & October, 6 Chickens, and 2 outdoor Goldfish.

Address: Lynncrest

Neighborhood: Summer Avenue Gardens

Garden Age: 3.5 years


  • Trees:  Crepe Myrtles, Tulip Trees
  • Shrubs: Rose Bushes, Rose of Sharon Bushes, Butterfly bushes, Hydrangea, Forsythia, Azaleas, Spirea
  • Perennials: Zinnias, Gladiolas, Black-Eyed Susans, Tiger Lillies, Salvia, Lamb’s Ear, Bee Balm, Cana Lillies, Sedum, Hosta, Dayflowers, Purple Phlox, Yarrow, Aster,

Garden Philosophy: “We might think we are nurturing our garden, but of course it’s our garden that is really nurturing us.” Jenny Uglow

I began gardening after my husband and I were diagnosed with infertility and suffered our first of 3 miscarriages. Gardening has become a form of therapy for me over the past 3.5 years. My garden brings me joy during hard times and I love being able to share that with others who might be going through similar situations. 


Favorite Garden Tip : Buy clearance perennials even if they’re a bit on the “ugly” side. Next year they will come back BEAUTIFUL! I’m also a huge fan upcycling materials, buying all of my garden tools & decor secondhand, or better yet, finding them for free on someone’s curbside trash pile.  My chicken coop and greenhouse/shed were both built using these methods!

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