This colorful, purple and white house and garden is lovingly tended by Barry + Betty Thomas. They love concrete materials and have mixed statuary and flowers for a striking garden. 4 concrete lions mark the entrance to the house. Each season, they change out the annual flowers and add decorations for the holidays.

Homeowners: Betty & Barry Thomas
Address: James Street, Soulsville
Garden Age: 15 years
- Trees: Crepe Myrtle
- Shrubs: roses, boxwood, privet
- Vines:
- Perennials: mums, pansies, elephant ears, hostas,
- Annuals: petunias, pansies, zinnias
Garden Philosophy: We like to use recycled objects in our garden. My husband, Barry, made our birdbath out of a found base. Then he used a tire to cast the basin in concrete. The front porch is painted to mimic the tile of the walkway and steps.
Favorite Garden Tip : I prefer plants that don’t need to be spoiled. I cut my roses down every September so they’ll bloom prolifically in the summer.