2020 Garden Club Activities Recap!

2020 Garden Club Activities Recap!

  2020 is almost over! Hallelujah, I doubt anyone is sorry to see it go. Check out our garden club activities recap. We saw both wins and losses as we struggled to stay connected while being apart.   CLUB MEETINGS: Loss-Due to Covid, we stopped having our...
Greening the Gazebo……

Greening the Gazebo……

Is there not a more beautiful group of gardeners?—Club members after decorating the Cooper-Young Gazebo for the holidays….the weather could not have been nicer….66 degrees…… Rachel and her son, Oscar, who were visiting CY and exploring...

2015-2017 Timeline of Club Achievements!

My time serving as our Club’s 1st President ends this month.  With a happy heart, I gather up all the materials to pass onto Sharron Johnson, our new club President for 2018-2020. The club is in “Great Hands”. Reviewing our projects, I am astounded by the wealth of...