Wow!…..Great Garden Club meeting last night at Marie Dennan’s house……5 new, potential members–welcome to Robert, Joe, Allie, Cheryl, and Chris!
Of course, we had an amazing array of .delicious potluck….our speaker had a last minute cancellation…so we had a quick business meeting and then spent the night talking gardening….. always fun with our zany crowd!
Other news:
- Sharron mentioned the upcoming Garden Club board retreat at her cabin next month.
- Dana Sanders has Milkweed seedlings to share,
- Kim reminded everyone that the Garden Walk board meeting is the 1st Monday of every month, 6:30 pm, Stone Soup Cafe.
- The inaugural “C Y We Beatify” Beautification Grant was announced and more details provided. Much interest by club members to apply. See application here:
- GW beautification grants*
- We sold 50 Garden Walk t-shirts at the Cooper-Young Festival and 20 at Stone Soup. The remaining 20 t-shirts will be given to new members joining the club. That’s all!