Nelson house wins Yard of the Month
By Libby Flynt
Cooper-Young Yard of the Month is back and we have a fantastic yard to honor this month: 2164 Nelson.
Angie Wallick has lived in CY for five years and loves her neighbors and all CY events and activities. Fairly new to gardening, Angie says that the keys to success are good amounts of water (preferably in the morning), some research for the right plants for your light, and a little bit of trial and error.
In her flower beds she has shasta daisies, Knockout roses, stella d’oro day lilies, rhaphiolepis and azaleas. Her window boxes are a special touch with lantana, petunias, ivy, sweet potato vines and kelly ferns. Boxwoods and day lilies line the side of her house.
Be sure check out this beautiful yard. Side note: for any of you who have been neglecting your yard because of the lull in competition, now is the time to step it up! Questions and campaigning are welcome.